Empowering Project Success.
Delivering Consistent Support Across Every Project.
Primark, a leading international clothing retailer, hired us for their Grand Opening Ceremonies of 8 locations, from New York, Maryland, North Carolina, Illinois, Virginia, and Florida.
We provided high-resolution video monitors, premium sound, elegant podiums, and wireless microphones, making each event a memorable celebration.
Dunkin, the largest coffee and donuts brand in the U.S., operates in 40 global markets. For their annual corporate meetings, which bring together attendees from various regional offices and include live streaming to international locations.
Hellhound provides top-notch audio and visual capabilities. We ensure that the panel of speakers can effectively lead and engage participants across all platforms.
Hellhound Audio had the privilege of supporting CITY MD Urgent Care by providing top-notch services for their events.
We delivered seamless press conference audio, wireless microphone and monitoring systems, and enhanced the venue with a podium and lectern in front of a step-and-repeat banner layout.
Summer on the Hudson
Summer on the Hudson is Riverside Park and West Harlem Piers Park’s annual outdoor arts and culture festival that takes place from 59th Street to 181st Street along the Hudson River, from May to October.
Hellhound Audio proudly supports these events every year by providing audio systems [see video] for music performers and DJs, Stage and Ambient lighting, and truss structures for festival décor.